Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

We're Moving!!

So Cathy and her cats are finally moving into a new home! Oh, and the rest of the family as well. It has been quite the adventure getting in, but we are so happy. The last few days were nuts with birthday parties, October gatherings, and now all the moving stuff. Tonight we took the kitties over for a trial run. We thought it would be good for the boys to have a chance to check out the place before we actually moved in. So we trecked over with some dinner for the people and the kitties, their litter box, and a couple boxes and speant the evening hanging at the new house. Stilts speant a few minutes wandering the first room we got to, then parked in a corner of the kitchen and refused to move. Felix got a far as the litter box, and that was it.
Eventually we pulled him out of litter box, because Stilts had to, well, use it. Felix curled up in the corner of the living room, at first against me. when I left the room he meowed sounding totally panicked, but refusing to move. It was really sad. Virginia curled up with him and he calmed down, but he wasn't himself until we got back to our apartment. Crazy kitty.
Have a great day, and keep crafting!